Abstract Guidelines


Abstracts should be submitted only through the registration section on the web site.


Abstracts and full papers should include the following information:


Abstract Title


In bold type, upper-case letters, Times Roman, 12-font-size and centered on the page


The following information should be included in the abstract title:


a.       Name of author(s) –including their title-


The first letter of each word should be upper-case, 12-font-size, Times Roman, bold and centered on the page.


b.      Institution the author works at –including faculty and department-


The first letter of each word should be upper-case, fully 12-font-size, Times Roman and in parenthesis below the name & surname of the author and centered on the page. No language other than Turkish or English should be used for institution and title information.  


c.       Contact Information (e-mail address)


Contact information should be written next to the institution and title information.


Abstract: Min. 500 words


Full Text of the Abstract: between 4,000-7,000 words


12-font-size; Times Roman; justified alignment; line spacing 1,5 cm; margin 1 inch or 2,5 cm. The indent at the beginning of the paragraph will be 1,5 cm and spacing between paragraphs 12 nk.  


References: Footnotes should not be used at the bottom of the page for references, but only for additional explanations to the text. References should be indicated in parenthesis in the text. (Please see the example below.)

Bibliography: There should be bibliography at the end of the article.




1.      Indication of In-text References


Example: The first environmental education curriculum created in 1960 was developed based on the mentality that the people would be more responsible for the environment when they were aware of the environment itself they were in and of its problems (Lynch, 1998:17). (Note: It is not obligatory to indicate page number except direct quotations given in quotation marks. It depends on the author’s choice.)

2.      Indication of Bibliography

(Please be careful about to use upper-lower case letters, full-stops and commas and italic typing.) Please visit the following address for detailed information about these guidelines (APA): (American_Psychological_Association_(APA)_Documentation_M.pdf)


Atak, M. (2021). Nefs Psikolojisi Kuram Uygulama. İstanbul: Büyüyen Ay Yayınları.


Article in Academic Journal:

Dijkman, H.C., & Camp, D.P. (1987). Practical theodicee: A typology of six models of theodicy. Journal of Empirical Theology, 1(3), 67-86.


Chapter in a Book Edition: Bellah, R. (1970). Civil religion in America. In R. Bellah (Ed.), Beyond Belief: Essays on Religion in Post-Traditional World. York: Harper&Row, s.513-530.


Electronic Sources:

Nurullah Altaş, ‘’Türkiye’de Dinî Yükseköğretim Alanında Uzaktan Eğitimle İlgili Algı Sorunları ve İLİTAM Uygulamaları,’’ Güncelleme Tarihi 20 Haziran 2016, Erişim 08 Nisan 2017 http://ded.dem.org.tr/gorsel/pdf/ded-31-makale-1.pdf


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